Creamed sponge

This produces an extremely light fluffy sponge cake with a lot of flavour.
Double ginger gingerbread men

Gingerbread men with a little more of a bite.
Fruit crumble

I love apple crumble and so does the rest of my family so here is the recipe I use. You do not have to use Apples any fruit will do, just adjust the amount of sugar used, depending on the sharpness of the fruit.
Oat cookies

These cookies taste like a cross between flapjacks and shortbread, everyone seems to love them. I have heard that dribling chocolate over them while they are still warm is also very nice.
Tunis cake

A lemon flavoured madeira type cake topped with a thick layer of chocolate. It is also often finished with marzipan fruits.
Quick madeira cake

This is a very easy cake to make and tastes great. I have done 3 different variants on this one: plain, cherry and lemon.